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Leadership for Emotional Wellbeing Workshop

Origami Bees

The better you lead your team members the better they will feel

They will experience less stress and anxiety, be more engaged, better motivated and more likely to go the extra mile. Looking after the emotional wellbeing of your team is key to their commitment and performance. It is also the right thing to do.

Special early bird offer, tickets just £375 whilst available!

With stress, anxiety and poor mental health on the rise in the workplace, many organisations are experiencing employee burnout, costly levels of absenteeism and low retention of employees. Here at Amicus we have a great wealth of knowledge and skills in helping organisations develop and harness a mentally healthy organisation.

Why emotional wellbeing matters

Unfortunately, anxiety and stress are on the increase and severely impair our enjoyment and effectiveness at work. We all perform better when we feel valued and cared for. Emotional wellbeing means we feel part of something worthwhile and boosts our self-esteem. We know our contribution is valued, that we are trusted, and that we are respected and relied upon for what we bring to our work and relationships.

Behavioural science studies have identified the key drivers of emotional wellbeing at work and we know that when team leaders promote emotional wellbeing with the correct behaviours, skills and tools there is a definite upturn in engagement, performance and retention. That’s because emotional wellbeing allows people to thrive.

Leadership for emotional wellbeing

This course is designed for those who manage others at work. It’s a meticulously designed 1-day event that helps delegates understand the drivers for emotional wellbeing and what is required for it to be achieved in their team.

What is the company benefit?

A better working environment with a healthier workforce whose expectations of care are better met, and work-induced stress levels and anxiety across your team significantly reduced. Increased levels of motivation and effectiveness which flow through to sustainable engagement, performance and retention.

Jennifer facing a crowd giving her presentation

Who's this course for?

This one day workshop is designed for those who manage others at work.

What are the learning outcomes?

This one day workshop is designed for those who manage others at work.

  • Explanation of the theory and scientific background to emotional wellbeing in the workplace
  • Real practical leadership skills in each aspect of emotional wellbeing
  • Take away vital tools and techniques that can be applied in your own working environments
Charlie Tweed on stage talking to a crowd
Dr Charlie Tweed

Who will be leading the workshop and what will they be covering?

Dr Charlie Tweed, our clinical psychiatrist will unpack the science behind emotional wellbeing, how it affects our minds and the links to motivation. Our expert leadership practitioners will then take you through step by step how to use that science to your advantage and make lasting changes to the emotional wellbeing of you and your team.

"The workshop has helped our team to understand the different team dynamics/personalities which in turn has enabled us to work together more effectively as a team."

Gavin Seager

Business Unit Director, Mace MEP Services Ltd

"It was a real example of dealing with a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous scenario. Preparing our future leaders for the inevitable black swans that the world will throw at them during their career."

Brian Moone

Director, Mace Business School

"Amicus Limited offer years of collective experience, clients any company would give their right arm for and a track-record second-to-none at the very top of the business world."

Jamie Breese

Managing Director, Evo Ultra

"Their professionalism, responsiveness, and passion for leadership development are second to none."

Helier Smith

CEO, Jersey Water

"The sessions gave us an immensely valuable insight in how we work as individuals and as a collective. I have no hesitation in recommending Amicus as an outstanding provider in the leadership and strategic sphere."

Phil Horsley

Managing Director, Geomarine

"The session inspired and energised our audience and we would highly recommend using Peter and the team at Amicus for events like these."

Tom Leader

Head of Caledonia Private Capital, Caledonia Investments plc

"This is a highlight of our academic calendar and a key moment in the lives of our university students and their families. We register 4500 students of all ages, and from diverse backgrounds, every year with outstanding outcomes."

Jo Terry-Marchant

Principal of Highlands College and University College Jersey

"Jennifer and Peter came and delivered a fantastic workshop which the team fully embraced and I have seen a marked improvement in the collective performance of the team."

Christopher Peach

General Manager, Radisson Blu

I have no hesitation in recommending any organisation of any size to Amicus and it’s Team Development Programme, it has had an immediate positive impact on my business, my people and with time my bottom line.

Lee Madden

CEO, GR8 Recruitment