Leadership Audit in practice
A CEO of a division within a global bank wanted to cement the focus and cohesion of his team to enhance its effectiveness and resilience. His 15 managing directors were dispersed across four continents.
We agreed our outline approach with the CEO and his COO, and spent half an hour interviewing each team member. Each completed our quick online Predictive Index™ behavioural assessment. This gave us an excellent understanding of the perceived strengths and weaknesses within the team, its collective behavioural bias (not uncommon amongst a group of driven professionals) and specific areas of individual or collective concern.

We agreed the format of our half-day session in light of these insights with the CEO. On the day, we focused on the group PI analysis, techniques for enhancing team effectiveness, and specific aspects of genuine senior team cohesion. Participants spent time discussing how they would be able to support one another better, work together more effectively and support the achievement of each other’s goals.
The team reckoned this was the most effective leadership development session they had experienced in recent years. The CEO has reported that the team is operating with renewed vigour and stronger collaboration to resolve common challenges across its markets. Irritating issues are now brought to the table more readily and the group has a new-found sense of pride in its achievements. The CEO asked us to return 6 months later to gauge progress and reinforce his ongoing drive for performance through better teamwork.